A Message from Our President, Pete Douglas
Our number one priority at The Douglas Company is to support the safety and well-being of our clients, associates, families, and communities while maintaining the highest level of service. As COVID-19 impacts us all nationwide, we’d like to take the time to inform you of the steps that we are taking to ensure continuity of service as we protect our clients and associates. Our goal is to do our part in the global community to prevent the spread of the virus, while still providing our clients with the highest level of service we can under the circumstances. Each one of us must do our part.
To ensure an appropriate and timely response to a quickly evolving situation, The Douglas Company team will continue to monitor COVID-19 coverage closely, adapting as needed to the evolving situation and keeping clients and associates informed of our company’s response. We will continue to look to the World Health Organization (WHO), U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and state and local authorities for best practice recommendations and guidance.
While the specifics of our response evolve daily, we want to assure our clients and associates that The Douglas Company is aggressively monitoring the situation and how it affects our business:
Project Continuity. The Douglas Company is doing everything possible to avoid disruption to project schedules. Manpower shortfalls and inspection delays are possible as the impact of the virus continues to unfold.
Job Sites. Meetings will be limited to no more than ten attendees and are being held outside where possible or will utilize large enough areas to provide for the recommended spacing of attendees. Face to face interactions are being limited, and associates are maintaining a distance of 6 feet. Associates who feel sick or have symptoms are required to stay at home. Associates who appear to have symptoms will be sent home. Members of the project team will continually discuss situations that are impacted by the virus, so proper business decisions are made promptly, including working with subcontractors in regards to their virus protection/testing/detection protocols.
Business Meetings. We are encouraging associates to conduct meetings with non-Douglas Company employees virtually while accommodating specific incidents where this is not possible. The option to work from home has been made available to our office staff. Associates who are working at our offices are practicing enhanced personal hygiene and being encouraged to limit face to face contact with others and utilize Skype or email to communicate.
Travel. We have enacted a policy that suspends commercial airplane travel for the next 30 days. We have also provided guidelines for any associates who have traveled via commercial airplanes in the past two weeks to self-quarantine / work-from-home when possible. Travel by car is limited to one associate per vehicle. Associates have been instructed to practice a no handshaking rule.
We’re here for you in whatever way you need us to be right now. If you’d like to talk more about ways we can best work together through this time, and discuss how we can continue to promote your company’s success, we welcome your feedback, please contact Bob Ritter, Director of Business Development at 419-865-8600.
Now more than ever, it is essential to remember that together we are stronger, and we will continue to stay committed to keeping our core purpose in mind: To contribute to the success of our Clients and Associates.
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